"Caragiale, Caragiale, if it was not for you, we were still Haimanale."
Just as people who see for the first time the daylight on the Provitale valley call themselves "laughers", this being a form of sarcasm, making jokes to one another and sometimes even to themselves, so it seems that Provita has gathered all the sarcasm from its valley and before it flowed in to Cricovul Dulce left it somewhere on the right in 1852 in the Caragiale family, to the little ION LUCA.
I.L. Caragiale was born in the Haimanale village, being himself a "laugher", a fact confirmed in his writings, in which he gathered all the humor, sarcasm and self-irony, characteristic of the inhabitants of the villages through which the Provita river flows.
Caragiale transformed the sarcasm and humor of the people he had meet in his childhood in what will later be called satire. As he told us, because of the "good things made by this country that maintains their tradition and their purpose," the commune where he was born is no longer called Haimanele, it is no longer found in Prahova County but in Dambovita, and the memorial house is not the one he lived in.